HRT Diary - Month 8 - Newson Health Catch Up - Testosterone

Yet again I have been thoroughly rubbish! After my little flurry in November.... Radio Silence.

At the start of December I had another catch up with Newson Health. Firstly, I will say if this had been my first experience of Newson Health.  I wouldn't have been quite such a fan. Although the outcome was fine. 

1) she was nearly 15 minutes late to the call

2) she seemed unprepared and shall I say a little disinterested/distracted

We were off the call with about 12 minutes and I'll be honest it didn't really feel like I'd got £200 worth!

The outcome of my call was that she issued me with a prescription of Testosterone.  She decided this would be the icing on the cake for me and give me back my full mental capacity and focus.  Whilst the double doe of oestrogen had definitely improved my memory. I do feel I am lacking focus and drive.

I could have paid £180 for 3 months supply of Androfeme. Which is the licensed in Australia Testosterone for women  or £30.00  for 3 months and use Testim which is available in the UK by the NHS but is obviously only licensed for men.  This prescription can then... in theory be continued by my NHS GP.  For this reason I decided to go Testim.  I said to her I guess Androfemme comes in a pink tube, but testosterone is testosterone right?  She agreed it is indeed. Equally if my GP doesn't agree to prescribe it will be much cheaper for me to continue. £30.00 vs £180 works for me :-).  She said most people start to notice a difference within 6 weeks but she did have some clients who noticed within days.

So 1 day later I received my box of 3 months supply of Testim. As I say this is only licensed for men in the UK (despite woman actually producing more testosterone then oestrogen) and all the instructions in the box were for men.  All it said on the front was my name and use 1 sachet over 10 days (according to the instructions men should use half a tube and run on shoulder). 

This is also where NH wasn't overly helpful. She said I would receive in a sachet and I would have to split over 10 days. When I asked how much that was approx. she said I would work it out (see a little annoying). Also annoying is that it wasn't a sachet... it was a tube. So whilst in my head I could split a sachet up this is a little harder to do with a tube. 

I started to take the next morning and I decided (as I had seen somewhere else) to squeeze about a large pea sized amount and rub into thigh/buttock area.  I had read about testosterone. So I know to rub over quite a large area and rotate area to avoid risk of unwanted hair....  This tube lasted me approx 3 weeks.... LOL 

So now we are pretty much up to date and I started my next tube 5 days ago.  I now rub in two large peas worth of Testim each morning.  I would say I am approx. half way through tube. (this would have been so much more helpful if she could have said this).

Do I feel different... Well last week I would have said no.  This week.... yes quite possibly. I have booked up a dance class for each Wednesday. I am working at home again now, which is nice. But not always good for me mentally. But the last 2 days at work I have been on full throttle. In fact this morning I caught a moment when I thought to myself ' this is like how I used to be'. 

I then took myself out for a walk at lunch time as Xmas has not been kind to my waistline. 

and to keep you fully up to date. I started having periods again and have had two since they stopped!  Huzzah!! (I think)


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