HRT Diary - Month 6 - Somewhere.... Problems

So I haven't written for a while. For no other reason than I keep forgetting.  I really should have been as really since the dose has been upped (to two Lenzetto squirts) there have been problems.

1) I last mentioned about my eye issue.  This became pretty much persistent and was making me look and feel awful. It was exceptionally painful, itchy and unsightly. I have found a great spray called 'Thyme Out' made from thyme is amazing at cooling and stopping the itch. But, ultimately not stopping it.

2) I haven't had a period since I started taking the double dose apart from that initial early bleed.  I am currently about to finish my 2nd cycle of Utrogestan following the double dosing. So lets see.

3) I'd stopped sleeping through the night and whilst waking up exceptionally hot. It wasn't night sweats.

It got so bad that I emailed my Newson Health doctor. I told her about my eyes being awful and the no period, night heat, etc. That I couldn't really feel any difference in anything else. So as the negatives seem to far outweigh any positives now and I was going to go back to a single does (which incidentally I had already done when I emailed to no improvement of symptoms)

She replied promptly confirming something that I had touched on before and suspected I had but didn't want to have. I have HIS Histamine Intolerance. This is an allergy to nothing in particular, but a build up of histamine over the day. Oestrogen - produces histamine hence why it started a couple of years ago when my hormones started to surge.  She recommended I take antihistamine twice a day and this should hopefully settle things.  It was perfectly normal to miss a couple of periods and these also should resume.

So I started taking the histamine twice day. The eyes weren't clearing immediately and I was falling asleep left right and centre!! So despite cetirizine supposedly being non- drowsy I can categorically say for me... they are drowsy.

I emailed back again, mentioning the above. Also saying I was finding this unbearable (it sounds very dramatic now) and was losing sight of why I was doing this in the first place. Did I really need to continue with this? as I was initially doing so well.

The response was a resounding - Yes. Persevere. She suggested that I take Vitamin C 250mg 3 times a day instead of antihistamine as this is natures one. She said this should only happen for a couple of months and my body should have adjusted back to the higher levels.

So I am persevering. Thankfully I tried loratadine which doesn't make me drowsy. So I take one in the morning and a cetirizine at night. My eyes have cleared and I am sleeping soundly again.


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