The Reasons - Symptom 5 - Dry Eye/Blepharitis/Eczema

 On the 15 January 2020 I had a sore red patch come up just below my eye.  I can pin point the day as I was having my Trinny London make over with my best friend in Fenwicks. Had this have happened a day later I would have blamed the make-up. Not worn it, not followed Trinny on Instagam, not seen the interview with Louise Newson.....   ohhh too much :-)

Anyway, it got really sore and then started on the other eye. This proceeded to flare up every few weeks for a couple of months. It was so painful, almost like acid around my eyes. Having googled it I self diagnosed with Blepharitis. I had managed to relieve the symptoms by cleaning eyes a lot and using rosehip oil. It would look hideous and be so painful for about 5 days, then take another week to thankfully clear without a trace. But, having been blessed with good skin (from my mum) it was all quite a shock and really not good for the confidence.  I have a new found empathy for people with psoriasis and eczema. Thank goodness we were by now in the first lockdown.

I had noticed it was potentially happening near my period and managed to get an online appointment with a GP. He diagnosed blepharitis and prescribed antibiotic eye drops. I didn't really want to use these as I just couldn't for the life of me work out how I had it as I was meticulous about taking make up off etc. Plus I used contact lenses and using antibiotic eye drops I would have to use glasses. He pretty much poo pood the idea it was linked to my periods and hormones.

Eventually it got so bad admitted defeat and took the drops. I wasn't surprised when it didn't make it any better and it made my internal eyes, gritty, itchy and dry for about the next 6 weeks. Hence they had upset my otherwise completely healthy eyeball!

It wont surprise you to know I did a lot of research and it just didn't add up. There are various types and to be honest apart from potentially having dry eye (I am a contact user) couldn't really see my wholly external symptoms related to any of the forms. I purchased some super hyaluronic acid eye drops as recommended on the forums. But back it came with a vengeance starting not on my eyelid but further up my eye.  By now I had started my new job and had a company private doctor. Again a remote appointment but someone who had more than 5 minutes to give me a bog standard explanation and actually listened. She thought it was actually eczema and not blepharitis. To treat with a balm and protect from the air (which is pretty much what Id been doing with the Rosehip oil). But I went heavy duty and found an amazing balm by de Mamiel.  It is lovely and hideously expensive. But I'm still only halfway through the pot 9 months later. It sooths and protects used in combination with beeswax and can get the attacks down and completely clear within about 5 days.

I have tried to see if its a food allergy. At one point thinking it may have been shellfish. But, I tested it out and nope!  

One thing I have managed to link it to though. Whilst it may not completely tie in with my monthly cycle for a trigger.  What it absolutely links in with is the months I have severe memory loss and bad PMT. When I have a good 2/3 months. No attacks at all. 

I didn't go into this in massive detail with Newson Health but she did say both dry eye and skin changes are big menopause symptoms.


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