The Reasons- Symptom 3 - Night Sweats

Ha!  now I have been having these for at least 10 years.  A couple of days before my period. Boom! boil alive and wake up drenched in sweat. I purchased a wool quilt and this made a HUGE difference. I have recommended this to numerous people over the years and they all agree it makes a difference. I am very popular with husband at this time who thinks I am some kind of portable hot water bottle!

But again like the other stuff this has been for longer each month and I think creating quite a few sleepless nights in the last year or so. I wake up because I'm hot, I have to move because the sheets are wet, I don't always go back to sleep.    

What I have noticed very recently is if I don't drink... it doesn't happen. (I'm yet to ascertain if it still happens just before my period) This has taken me a long time to work out... Because I have for most of my adult life probably drunk most days. I don't mean huge amounts (although there have been moments) but in the last few years I've tried to have 3 clear days each week. But, I will have A large glass of wine, A large gin and tonic most days.   

This is very recent indeed....  I made a bit of a deal with myself that if I started HRT I would cut down my drinking. The risk of HRT giving you breast cancer is considerably less than drinking two glasses of wine a day....  you get my point.


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