Newson Health to NHS HRT

 Almost exactly 2 months after I'd spoken to the specialist Menopause Doctor at Newson Health. I'd absolutely had enough of forgetting things again. Also my eyes had flared up again having a couple of attacks in quick succession.

I had now spent 8 weeks listening and researching more. Whilst I was absolutely convinced that if it did agree with me, it was the right thing to do. Its still a massive commitment. Once you have convinced yourself of all the benefits, apart from losing my faculties (which I wouldn't as I was on HRT) why would I stop. As I may have previously mentioned, this is potentially medication for the next 30 years!  That's a long time.

But, I made the decision. Why should I be functioning on 30% when I could get back up to 90%. I emailed Newson Health and told them I would like to go ahead with my prescription. They responded with the costs and that they were more than happy to, but why didn't I contact my GP first. I nearly just responded to go ahead. But I thought well, nothing to lose and only gain to be had. I contacted my surgery via email explaining why I wanted an appointment and she phoned back and booked me with a lady doctor, said in a conspiratory way.

A week later I am on the phone to my NHS GP, which in all fairness was no mean feat considering how many times I had tried to make this happen for various reasons in the last 18 months. I was ready for my case and written down the reasons why. I was absolutely expecting them to say no as I wasn't in menopause yet.

Well..... I couldn't have been more surprised. She had read the letter from Newson Health (surprise 1) and when I eventually let her speak she agreed. Yes, indeed the stance on HRT had changed along with the medication. Yes, I could have it. When I asked if I could have the same as I had been prescribed their she said they normally used Estrogel and hadn't heard of the spray.  I did say it should be available on the NHS (research, research) but was happy to go with her recommendation (I'm flexible) as long as it was body identical and made from yams. I believe Utrogestan is pretty much the only micronised progesterone so not much argument there. She then asked if my periods were still regular and we had a laugh when I said ish... bit longer than they used to be. But not a mention that I shouldn't take it yet (surprise 2).  Book an appointment for 3 months time and to take my blood pressure.... yes we are now all meant to own Blood Pressure machines? Pick it up in a few days time.

So there you go! Not £180 but now all for approx. £60 every 3 months.  The only drawback is I need to re order each month and pick up. But I have since downloaded the NHS app and I can do this online!!!  I can also buy a PPC on the NHS for a years worth of prescriptions for £109. This is all now fabulous.

When I picked up my prescription I also got surprise no 3! They had ordered the Lenzetto spray. We are all learning :-)


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