Lenzetto application

Weirdly despite there being instructions (side effects) in the Lenzetto box the size of a small house.  Which I have to say despite spending 6 months studying the effects and side effects of the new modern HRT. Still scared the living out of me and made me procrastinate for another day. I couldn't find anywhere in there, or on web as to when in cycle you start taking the Lenzetto. Nothing in my Newson Health instructions either.  So I took this as it didn't matter. They are very clear when you need to take the Utrogestan. I also assume that most people who start it aren't in a cycle?

I had just started my period, then I procrastinated for 2 days. A little bit as mentioned above and because I had heard of someone actually dying from blood clots with the Astrazeneca vaccine (awful). Which made me question if I should wait until after I have had the 2nd vaccine in 4 weeks time. Zzzzz Then I spoke to my husband who said 'You've made your decision, you are not at risk, just take it'. So I did!

I decided to spray my arm each morning when I get up and have my first pee.  This is bizarrely one of the most consistent things in my life. Even during job loss, furlough and lockdown. The time I wake up is always around 6am.  545am back in the heady days of going to London and exceptionally occasionally about 730am if my husband is not about and I am left entirely to my own devices (which normally means I've also gone to sleep about 2 hours later) Yes, I go to bed at 10pm every night (husband is a man of routine).

The spray is currently living on the shelf next to the loo. Sit on loo, spray inside of arm and tick it off the box.  By the time I'm off the loo its dry.... and Ive only peed!!  So glad I picked the spray and not the gel.

I am not a morning shower type of person (I like to go clean to my bed). Only really likely to happen in rare cases in which case I'll wait until after. It says wait at least an hour before showing, putting cream on. So there we are. Job done!


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