
Showing posts from June, 2021

HRT Diary - Month 2 - Day 17 *eye symptom

Yesterday the first day my eyes aren't really prickling and I hadn't taken any antihistamine. They are still swollen and red.  apart from that... all good.

HRT Diary - Month 2 - Day 13 *eye symptom

 Eyes swollen and have managed to sooth by using the De Mamiel wonder Balm and putting cool compress on before I went to work. Look acceptable. By the evening felt sore in the lash line (but had worn makeup today) and took an antihistamine before bed.

HRT Diary - Month 2 - Day 12 *eye symptom

 Eyes are just starting to prickle around the lash line. By the time I went to bed, little red prickles had appeared on my right eyelid. Almost feels now like prickly heat. I will take an antihistamine. This is exactly the same time frame as last month. I don't think there is any denying this isn't hormone based.

HRT Diary - Month 2 - Day 11 *not sleeping well

 Most things have been the same. I had a moment when I thought my memory was getting better... but as I say its pretty normal at the moment. Its very hard to judge. Haven't been sleeping overly well. Waking up between 3-5 and not going back to sleep.  Now realise its the Progesterone that makes me sleep very soundly. Literally cant wait to start again on Friday ;-)!  I assume once my periods stop I can just take this everyday and it will be tickety boo all the time?  I have since read they call Progesterone the calming hormone. Feel in a bit of a low mood this week. Nothing terrible, but generally a little low. Certainly not, what I realise now were wild swings from mood to mood. That could be the lack of sleep I guess? I did get very hot in my sleep last night and felt a bit hungover this morning which as I hadn't had a drink would indicate too much salt in my meal last night and I got dehydrated. Interestingly, whilst I was hot I wasn't drenched in sweat :-)

HRT Diary - Month 2 - Day 5

 Feeling back to normal! Brain back to functioning again

HRT Diary - Month 2 - Day 4 - Stats

 Weight - 76.2 kg   Blood Pressure 123/72   (higher but low) Feel a bit better today. Was in a terrible mood yesterday. Period seems to be dropping off, which is good.

HRT Diary - Month 2 - Day 3 - *Symptom Brain Fog *mood erratic

 I have changed the Title dates slightly now to the months on HRT and the day in cycle to help me pinpoint things. Having finished my Utrogestan last Thursday, I started my period Saturday afternoon. So it takes about a 1.5 days. Its been pretty light until yesterday evening and has been quite heavy since. I also had period pains Saturday and Sunday. My periods have changed in the last 18 months from being very regular, every 25 days and normal flow over 4/5 days. To being a little more erratic. Sometimes going to 40 days and then it would correct itself the next month by going 17 days. But would avg. about 29/30 days.  I would then bleed heavy for 2/3 days and it would be done. Which I didn't dislike if I'm honest. Less annoying than going on for days.   I am kind of hoping it will be done quickly. I have been forgetful/scatty over the weekend and also at work today I don't feel as 'on it' as I would normally be. Mood wise as well I feel a bit more variable than I ...

HRT Diary - Day 27 -- *symptom Brain Fog

 Took my last dose of Utrogestan last night. Feel good in every other way.  But would say I'm noticeably more forgetful/absent minded today and yesterday. Again this would be normal at this time in my cycle. I want to keep a note of this as potentially this is when I would do two pumps of the Lenzetto and need to work out the timings so I can be proactive. Not that I can really do two pumps... as according to my NHS app, despite the dosage saying 1-3 pumps per day. The NHS App ordering is only allowing me to order as if I was doing 1 a day and there are 56 doses in an applicator.... wrinkles to be ironed out... As far as the brain fog goes generally. I wouldn't say I have been bad. But, wouldn't say there has been an improvement either. Hence looking to see if the two pumps makes an improvement.  If not I would be looking at taking testosterone. I think I'll carry on with the 1 pump and try and see more of a cycle.

HRT Diary - Day 26 - Positive - No Night Sweats

 So now nearly a month of HRT. I don't believe I've had any side effects yet. In fact at this stage of the cycle, despite thinking last week I had cramps, I didn't. I am having very little hints that I would be due on soon. Which is how I would have been a few years ago. No breast tenderness, no PMT, no stomach cramps nothing at all. Maybe a slight bloatedness... What is noticeable is no night sweats at the moment. Especially as yesterday I did go into London and have a couple of glasses of wine and a cocktail (albeit a small one). Even so, I would be expecting to have them by now anyway and absolutely after even just one glass of wine. Still getting out of bed being able to walk. I also went for a 10km walk on Sunday with absolutely no aching muscles after.  Even when I was at the peak of my running. My muscles were always tired and achy after a walk.

HRT Diary - Day 21 - Positive - muscle stiffness gone

 So my main notice today is that when I get out of bed in the morning I am no longer stiff at all. For a long while now (about 2 years if not more) I have hobbled out of bed and probably takes me 15-20 steps to be able to walk properly. It no longer does. I now just get out of bed and walk! add this to the arms over my head thing which seemed to happen on about day 2 or 3. Tummy is just started to feel a little bloated and periody. Which would be normal for me at this time in my cycle with the odd cramp. I have another 6 days of Utrogestan to take. I assume I start bleeding a couple of days later? Apart from that.  All good!!

HRT Diary - Day 18 - Positive - potential lack of anxiety

 Again no side effects to report of the HRT as far as I know. This will be day 5 I think of taking the 2 Utrogestan tablets each evening.  I have noticed no grogginess or anything despite them saying take at night as they act as a sedative. One thing that is an observation is any anxiety I have whilst riding is completely gone. Now, this really is an observation as I have worked very, very hard on this over the last 18 months. This may equally be a culmination of the hard work I've put in and the techniques I have in place. For instance I had a bit of a thing about riding up the other end of the arena (there is always a spooky end). Not sure if it was actually the end of the arena or riding the whole arena? but, I digress. I had a session last week where I made it my thing to ride up the other end and I had to work quite hard to actually do it. But since then, not a flicker of anxiety. I have just done it... including at a friends house this weekend. Also no anxiety at the tho...